From bags to aprons.
We are a husband + wife team (Ryan + Jill Valentich) out of Denver, Colorado, stitching since 2010. What started as bike bags built one at a time by Ryan has transformed over the years to include a variety of high quality goods, namely aprons and knife rolls for the restaurant industry. You will still find the occasional bag or accessory in store as well. We love what we do and enjoy all the challenges of running a small business. Everything you see on the site (including the site) has been designed, made, modeled, and photographed by us. We take great pride in our work and are grateful for every single order. If you have a question, custom order request, or design you'd like to see come to life, please reach out. For a more behind the scenes look, be sure to give us a follow. @valentichgoods.
Wear it well.
Whether it's an apron, knife roll, or bag, our attention to form and function shines through. As designers, we believe it is our responsibility to build something beautiful and functional. Everything from the type of fabric and thread to the angle of our pockets has been considered. But, as small business owners and designers, the work is never done. We believe in constantly perfecting our craft; evolving our designs and business as the need arises. Thank you for giving us this opportunity.